جنون الخنازير وليس جنون البقر

البريونات تدربت قتالياً في الخنزير أيضاً !!

ملاحظة :

كل ما سبق لي فراسة التوصل له دلائله موجودة هنا عموماً ( الخنزير هو الثقب الوحيد في الحاجز النوعي الحامي بين الحيوان والبشر ) وغيره من نظرياتي التي وصلت لها بالنظر العام لمطلق ما يصيب به الخنزير البشرية من محن ...


Coalition Calls for USDA Answers on "Mad Pig Disease"

Mad pig press release
Add pigs to feed ban?
Mad pig disease?
Species barrier? Killer flu came from pigs
Pig genes Isolated from the Deadly 1918 Flu Virus
Original article on "Spanish" Influenza Virus
Massive disease outbreak in Taiwan pigs
New pig species found in Vietnam

Human prion compared to pig
Human prion compared to cow
Human prion compared to sheep
Pig prion compared to cow

أنفلونزا 1918 كانت خنزيرية المنشأ وليست طيرية !!

Gene tests show killer flu came from pigs

March 21 1997 NIGEL HAWKES ... London Times

SCIENTISTS have confirmed that the flu virus which swept around the world in 1918, killing 20 million people, originated in pigs. Samples taken from the lungs of a young soldier who died in the epidemic provided enough genetic material to prove the hypothesis, says a report in Science. The investigation, by a team at the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, was made more difficult by the way flu stores its gene information in the form of RNA (ribonucleic acid), not the more stable DNA.

Most flu viruses are believed to originate in birds, usually ducks. They are passed to pigs, which is why so many originate in China, where ducks and pigs are raised in close proximity. The new investigation shows that the 1918 virus, a particularly virulent one, was completely novel. Hardest hit by it were young adults, usually the most resistant to flu infection. The American team is to continue examination of the RNA samples to try to find the cause.

John Oxford, of the London Hospital Medical College, has begun a similar examination. A Canadian team plans to dig up seven miners believed to have died of the 1918 flu, who are buried in frozen ground in Norway. They hope the bodies will be so well preserved that better samples can be obtained.