بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name Of Allah the most merciful the Most graceful.

Tobacco Pandemic SARS And Pork ( Bird)  flu Pandemic must be treated as Economic induced reason pandemics or as a new name :

Econo-demics = ( economic reason pandemics )

 as they all has the same etiology mechanism in misguidance the global society as its both Human race eradication pandemics for the sake of some commercial benefits of Multi-national Companies .

Dr Rami Diabi


Temporary Site related to Islamic Sciences and Researches Org.

Preface :

when I started my research running online after pork and its relation with Bird flu tracing my Islamic feelings of humiliation the cock ( who is so respected animal in Islam) a great light came to me within web researches centers against pigs farms, then a whole vision started to knock my mind over all the issue from Hadeeth of Prophet Mohammed PBUH telling about Jesus PBUH that his mission to world near last day will be 1 out of three is to kill PIGS

حيث أخرج البخاري ومسلم عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله :
 (والذي نفسي بيده ليوشكن أن ينزل فيكم ابن مريم حكماً عدلاً، فيكسر الصليب، ويقتل الخنزير، ويضع الجزية، ويفيض المال حتى لا يقبله أحد، حتى تكون السجدة الواحدة خيراً من الدنيا وما فيها") هذا لفظ البخاري

Then I compared this fact with the happy thousand years concept which is promised from many relegions for whole  humanity after Jesus PBUH will come, this all led me to say the folowing hypothesis  :

Killing pigs is the main cause of eradication of all our planet pollution and epidemics !!

which I call it ( Killing pigs hypothesis )

in the following lines of the file of the theory many great secrets was uncovered of the reality of pigs trade and its cunning rule to keep all this facts secret to protect its benefits .

Dr Rami Diabi

3 shawal 1426

Why Researches now had lost the currect futurelogy vision compass?

After Islamic vision absence 1923 of the global Academic research Centers , humanity paid a huge TAX starting from Biased scientific facts till un-guidance in recent global pandemics policy because of multi-national companies benefits saving policy which dominated all universe research centers.

Dr Rami Diabi

MD. Public Health Diploma of W.H.O.

Tobacco control Cons.

The Draft Results of the global cybernetic research on Bird( Avian ) Flu

"Killing Pigs Theory "

Draft conclusions

Note :

Most research is in Arabic Lang. I will do my Best to translate it ASAP.

Allah bless you

3 shawal 1426

Research conclusion in brief