التقويم الهجري الأبدي حملة التدخين الطب الإسلامي التفسير الرقمي ركن الأسرة الواحة الخضراء تنافس الحضارات منتديات المواقع روابط إسلامية صفحة المرح اسلق مخك بالجوال أسلمة الألعاب


صناعة الأنهار
علم المتزاوجات
عالم ما وراء السواك
نظرية التعلم بالتذكر
معرض صور الأطفال
معرض صور السواك
صحة الحامل
نظرية الإدمان التسوكية
عن الإصلاح السياسي
معايير بصيرةالآراك
صور منظار السواك
نظرية الوخز بالآراك

Pork Rule in Avian Flu Econo-demic

( neither epidemic nor pandemic )

This paper indicate  that Avian flu is not more than a pork flu in its deep scientific fact as there is many commercial reasons let us to say that about this issue, First of all ,as its another human induced global horror pandemic ( SARS& Anthrax  Like shape in appearing suddenly and disappearing so )

also we call it Econo-demic as a big global market of meat was invaded by pork meat merchants at the time of cow-madness Econo-demic ,the same rule we can see now of invading the global poultry meat market by the same mechanism , from scientific point of view the  following reasons says :

1- Avian Flu finger prints is correlated with pig density map as www.fao.org maps show (1) 

2- Avian flu shift takes place in Pork for sure but a probably it happen in humans (2)

3- conflicting in WHO about Avian Flu existence in Pigs , with many research centers press releases ,tells us its not a mere scientific issue !(i.e.: 3 Billion USD is Denmark Pig market benefits for a 1 year)

4- Spanish flu 1918 is not Avian flu AS MOST resources says ( Big global lie )  its a Pork flu as real scientific documents says.(3)

5-An existence of a real not declared widely real ( pork flu epidemic )as another global health problem (5)

6- Roma Conf.2004 on Avian flu admit that the source of the epidemic still vague although 200million bird was culled within last few years ( also killing of pigs is a valuable way of stopping many pandemics , CNN news on Indonesia do so ) Nipah virus Malaysia Pandemic is another clear example ( 1 million pig was killed 1999) (6)

7- the Danish John Larsen researcher in an academic research paper to Egaaz comittee in Mekkah tells that Denmark don't  promote his research conclusion on Plague threat in Pork meat as its a matter of 3 Billion USD yearly comes from Pork industry market. (7)

8- 70% of global pigs is in China , give us an explanation of the reason of why many pandemics came from it recently ( I called it the new Bermuda triangle of mankind )


9- the migratory birds will tell us the final story , as its till now did not transfer the pandemic through its descending line (  from Kazakhstan south)  over Islamic countries and Arabic gulf , which is pork farms free!

the future of Avian flu finger print will tell us the whole Pandemic story.!

10 - Pork is responsible for 450 disease ( viral , Bacterial ,protozoa and worms) (7)

11- the Pork Is responsible  for crossing Many Viruses the species barrier , which means a big question mark in front Pig when any pandemic comes from animal .

12- xeno-tranplantation has stopped globally as Pork cell discovered that it used to release new viruses from its own DNA periodically ( which led me to declare : Pork is the mother of history Viruses Hypotheses)  

13- the comprehensive vision of Islam goes with Pork killing as a global health duty of coming Jesus (9 ) and its also contradict the Cock and beautiful birds that can be created as a death tool.( mainly what was mentioned in Hadeeth ) about Cock as it sees the Angel and call for dawn prayer.

14- Afghanistan Health Minister declaration about the issue ( confirming that Afghanistan is Avian flu free as its Pork farms free ) also Jordan Gov. Declaration in same issue.

- Lastly Moses and Mohammed (PBU Them) also old testimony give us enough future scientific evidence of why should we stop pork meat investing.


DR Rami Diabi

M.D. Public Health Diploma of W.H.O.

29 شوال 1426


(1) http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/programmes/en/empres/maps.html

(2) http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/avian_influenza/en/


 ((Because pigs are susceptible to infection with both avian and mammalian viruses, including human strains, they can serve as a “mixing vessel” for the scrambling of genetic material from human and avian viruses, resulting in the emergence of a novel subtype.))


(3) Initial Genetic Characterization of the 1918 "Spanish" Influenza Virus

Science 21 March 1997; 275 (5307):1793
J. K. Taubenberger, A. H. Reid, A. E. Krafft, K. E. Bijwaard, T. G. Fanning




الصين تبدأ حملة توعية حول مرض تنقله الخنازير


فيتنام تعلق واردات لحم الخنزير من الصين

(6) http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/subjects/ar/health/diseases-cards/avian_recomm.html






 أخرج البخاري ومسلم عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله :
 (والذي نفسي بيده ليوشكن أن ينزل فيكم ابن مريم حكماً عدلاً، فيكسر الصليب، ويقتل الخنزير، ويضع الجزية، ويفيض المال حتى لا يقبله أحد، حتى تكون السجدة الواحدة خيراً من الدنيا وما فيها") هذا لفظ البخاري


أبحاثنا الحديثة
أبحاث الطب الإسلامي
العلوم المشفرة القرآنية
بحث مشكلة الجراد

كتاب حضارة السواك دليلنا الإعلامي حلمي للأمة اعترف أنك غزال about us مكتبات على النت ردود مفحمة لبنديكت تاريخي بجوجل إيرث السياحة الإسلامية الإلكترونية